Our crew in the picture.

The troops we build on and the powerful people that make it all come together.


We have a very vibrant company, where people with various backgrounds come together on a daily basis. Working hard, but playing equally hard. We all have the same goals and need each other reach them.

Our ever-expanding, multi-cultural and multi-talented team consists of tech experts, data-driven marketeers, content specialists and creatives from all around the world.


In our data-driven world, developers are the ones who rule. They use top-notch technology to create a seamless environment on our platforms. Not only to give our members a carefree experience, but also to give their colleagues the jumpstart do their job as best as possible.

Working in our development team means you will innovate, integrate, and automate our apps while constantly aiming for smart, scalable solutions in a cost-efficient way.

Content specialists

Our dedicated team of content specialists is responsible for reading the room and picking (or creating) just the right content for our platforms.

By sourcing the best titles made by world-renowned production companies, as well as by working on our very own original productions, the content team makes sure that our platforms are filled with new movies, series, and documentaries every week.


Our data-driven marketers – or magicians as we sometimes like to call them – are experts in managing, strategising and executing cutting-edge campaigns across paid, earned and owned channels.

Our platforms deserve a podium to shine on and this team builds those podiums. They create and maintain the communities for our brands, attracting and retaining subscribers.


We have an extensive team of talented creatives – from video editors and graphic designers to copy experts – who guard the identity of our brands while making them look and sound irresistible to their specific audiences.

Cool creations are vital for the work of every other department in the company. And while working in creation is certainly fast-paced and versatile, there’s always plenty of room for new ideas.

Our People

Meet some of our lovely colleagues to get an idea of who they are, what they do and how they feel about working at BeyondDutch.

Mark Jansen

Product Manager

Easily put: Mark makes sure that we develop products our customers love, in a way that works for our business. His job is all about prioritization. This also entails saying ‘no’ to a lot of things. But don’t worry, he really loves coming into work every day. He brings his whole self, including a large amount of puns. Working at BeyondDutch gives him the opportunity to contribute his talents and skills towards the company goals, whilst having fun with colleagues. He enjoys gaming, both on his Xbox and the chess board. This self-proclaimed nerd even has several youth-chess diplomas. And he loves his note-taking tool RoamResearch. Not as much as he loves his wife and newborn son though. He could do without the latter’s nightly tantrums however. Those are about as enjoyable as his annual taxes. 

Eva Tsoukala

Digital Communications Officer

Our very own ‘Gloria Potter’. That is, if you verbatim translate her Greek name into English. Not so weird actually, since her ancestors were indeed potters. Eva however is our Digital Communications Officer for New Faith Network. She keeps the audience in the loop about the newest films and series, in order to get potential customers to join & prevent existing customers from leaving. She loves how flexible and creative we are allowed to be at BeyondDutch: “It’s like Dexter’s Laboratory, but for media and entertainment.” At the same time she’s a true idealist, fighting for what she believes in. That may be why she’s crazy about Oprah (who isn’t?). Other favorites: Sphynx cats, vegetarian soups and the island of Hydra in Greece. Major dislike: sitcom Friends, deeply pitying the editor who had to add that horrific laughter to all the episodes. 

Peter van Aken

Customer Service Manager

Rocksteady Peter always remains calm under pressure. An excellent characteristic for someone in charge of the day-to-day Customer Service department. Working at BeyondDutch feels like a team effort to him, with all colleagues and departments pursuing the same goal. It’s a relaxed working environment where open communication is possible and encouraged. In his free time he loves spending time with his wife and children, preferably something that includes sports & freshly cut grass. So what causes him to lose his cool? Well, spiders, Monopoly and not being able to find his keys only to later find them exactly where they were supposed to be. And would you believe it, he used to be a physiotherapist & has written a children’s book.

Linda Leferink-van Schooten

Digital Communications Officer

The fact that she loves movies and can type faster than most people (142 words per minute!) is very useful in her role as Digital Communications Officer for WithLove. Responsible for almost every post on social media and Queen of the blog, promoting all our new movies and series. She travels from Eindhoven to Hilversum for work and isn’t a big fan of traffic jams. But the job makes it worth it ❤ #inspirationalquote. Every working day is different and the atmosphere in the office is chaotic at times, but also very ‘gezellig’ and inspirational. Her heart lights up for animals (her own bunnies in particular), craft beers, concerts, festivals and the smell of fresh coffee beans.

Editor & graphics designer

This Formula 1 fan and gaming enthusiast is part of the creative team, creating content for social media and marketing about the movies & series that appear on New Faith Network. “The team is very supportive of each other, and we are always trying to get better. There’s quite some creative freedom to make new things, explore and experiment.” Evelien has two bunnies at home (Rose & Milo) and you know what they say: people resemble the pets they choose. A little shy when you first meet her, but once trusted random bursts of energy and excitement are common. Good thing she doesn’t like coffee, just tea. Other favorites: plants and listening to books!

Natasha Alleina Bharata

Performance Marketeer

Dedicated plant mom, singer, online jewelry business owner. All that, and a very enthusiastic Performance Marketeer at BeyondDutch. Natasha is in control of Social Media – the paid side of it – setting up online paid ads, analyzing data, creating and executing marketing strategies. So it’s only logical that slow internet gets an instant ‘dislike’, as do loud chewers and getting clothing stuck on a door handle when she’s in a rush. She loves how everyone is very friendly and open at BeyondDutch, regardless of person or position. Oh, and she’s a big fan of everything that has to do with nature (spring!) and plants, but also enjoys the vibe at an airport. 

Liselotte Cramer-McGowan

Team Lead Global Performance Marketing

Having lived in three continents and visited three more, the word Global in her job title makes perfect sense. Always dressed for success, she wanted to be a creative director but was told by her engineer parents to first understand and appreciate data before going artsy. Lucky for her, she ended up in a company where she can enjoy both! Tweaking the performance marketing channels based on data, whilst creating paid campaigns for our social platforms. BeyondDutch according to Liselotte: vibrant, energetic & young. Loves puzzles like Sudoku, crunchy food and asking questions. Could very much do without fast fashion and hearing hiccups. Her natural born habit to be 5 minutes late is more that made up for by this best tip ever: “when stressed, I pretend to have Lego hands and try typing like that. It makes me giggle, so I feel good again.”

Interested in joining our team?